Sunday, July 13, 2008

worm chalet?

So I am working on making my garden as easy as possible. This involves taking what worked and what could work better and keeping it in mind for next year.

1) ordering "Delta Gamma" roses that will grow in my zone for my rose garden.
2) designing and pricing out a raised bed garden for the side of the house.
3) pricing out pavers to extend our patio.
4) remembering that cucumbers (although they have a short germination time) still need to be started inside in Ohio.
5) pick a few tomatoes just for seeds (from the heirloom greens I got at the farmers market).
6) get better at growing (i.e. do not kill) tomatoes started from seed.
7) get shelves for garden stuff put back together
8) buy a compost tumbler (I like the EnviroCycle - best buy for the money!) I can't imagine building a worm chalet in my basement, even though it might be easier to build myself than any other composter.
9) make a compost crock for my kitchen.

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